Thought Leadership

Asset TV’s Liquid Alternatives Masterclass

July 15, 2019

UMB Fund Services: Watch Asset TV’s Liquid Alternatives Masterclass where UMB’s Richard Talley shares perspective on interval and tender-offer funds. Watch video…

Unlisted Closed-End Funds White Paper

June 15, 2019

UMB Fund Services: Based on a Q3 2018 FUSE Research Network survey of senior product leaders at 37 asset management firms, product developers are increasingly looking at structures for less liquid and uncorrelated alternative investments. Read more…

Permanent Capital Summit: RSM Key takeaways

June 5, 2019

RSM: The Permanent Capital Summit, sponsored by Dechert, ING, RSM and KBW/Stifel, brought fund sponsors and asset managers together in New York to consider the impact of a shifting financial and regulatory environment on the formation and investment of permanent capital. Read more…

How data became an ESG issue

May 23, 2019

RSM: In Europe, the ability of a private equity firm to demonstrate its commitment to environmental, social and governance issues has evolved from a nice-to-have into a necessity. Read more…

ESG in private equity: The important role responsible investing plays

March 20, 2019

RSM: The institutional investment market is demanding greater transparency into the environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts of their managers, including private equity managers. Read more…

Does the new AICPA guidance affect your equity?

March 1, 2019

RSM: For years, funds have valued their equity interests in portfolio companies using the following approach: calculate the enterprise value, subtract any debt and allocate the remainder to the equity classes in order of seniority. Read more…

Opportunity Zones: IRAs for Capital Gains

January 3, 2019

RSM: Participants at the 10th Annual RSM New York Investment Industry Summit gained insights on how new opportunity zone tax incentives can make reinvesting capital gains in economically distressed communities very rewarding. Read more…

Investor guide to opportunity zones

December 14, 2018

RSM: The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created a new investment vehicle intended to stimulate economic growth in distressed communities. Qualified opportunity zones (QOZs) are pre-selected areas around the United States where investors can hold capital gains for preferential tax treatment while struggling communities can benefit from an influx of development and funding. Listen to Audiocast…

Opportunity Zone Funds present compelling investment case

December 12, 2018

UMB Fund Services Tax Managing Director, Spencer Erickson, spoke to Private Equity Wire about opportunities in Opportunity Zone Funds and how UMB is supporting clients entering the space.

Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds

November 26, 2018

The Opportunity Zones program is a new economic development tool, designed to encourage economic investment and job creation in distressed areas of communities, by allowing an incentive to taxpayers who re-invest capital gains in designated Opportunity Zones.